How to do well for GP?

This is certainly a common question put out by many students of the subject. Many find it an incredibly taxing and laborious process that just involves writing, writing and writing…
Without scoring their desirable mark and grade.

As such to address such a question, here are some tips to do well for GP:

Read Widely

This is certainly an obvious fact. Reading widely aids one to accumulate the necessary general knowledge to apply in their GP writing. With your example inventory, you can tap into it anytime, anywhere when you need to. Let’s say you are formulating your arguments for your AQ or essay writing. With your arsenal of knowledge, you could easily draw the connections to what you have read and extract the necessary information to use.

However, reading widely is not just an encyclopaedia tool. More importantly, it serves as a mirror and reference tool for us. More often than not, the articles we read are written by those who are skilled with the pen. By exposing ourselves to different writing styles and argumentation formats, we can reflect, evolve and improve our writing.

Clear Writing Structure

The simple fact is reading widely does not guarantee you doing well for GP. It is merely just one factor in a plethora of others. For many people, they struggle to interpret, evaluate and apply such information to elaborate, argue and prove their point. Indeed, a common problem in the information age. Where we seem to know more, not know well.

As such, a clear writing structure is certainly important. It offers stability, coherence and rationality in one’s writing. For the writer, it helps to crystallise the point, build upon it with elaboration and substantiate it with a real-life example. As for the reader, the clear organisation of thoughts in a clear and concise manner helps the examiner to understand the writer’s intent better.

Practice Regularly

Most importantly, Practice, Practice, Practice. It is indeed a laborious process for many to go through. The bad news is that you cannot escape it. The good news? Practice makes perfect.

Long hours of spaced regular practice helps you to sharpen and deepen your skillset. Just like picking up a new habit, the initial phase is very difficult. But the more frequently you do it, the easier it gets. Along the way you gain new revelation about yourself too.

With enough practice, you would be familiar with the exam syllabus. You can instantly identify question types and address requirements of questions.

While your mind is acclimatised to think, argue and write in a timed environment. You are effectively able to brainstorm and broaden your scope of discussion.

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How to do well for General Paper?

How to do well for General Paper?

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