GP Essays
Browse through these GP essays to derive a better understanding of the General Paper essay questions that may be covered in the A Level General Paper examinations. These essays cover a broad range of trending and important issues and topics, like Culture, Education, Fake News and Environment.
Cultural and heritage sites have lost their relevance.’ How far is this true of your society
Some believe that culture is important to preserve the identities from various ethnic communities, while others argue that cultural preservation is an outdated aim that we should forgot.
'Schools are no longer the key to overcoming ignorance.' Do you agree?
Are schools are the most reliable source for the accumulation of knowledge? Find out why students challenge the view that schools are still the most important reference point to overcome ignorance.
‘Culture holds no value in the modern world.’ Do you agree?
Is culture still relevant in this day and age? Examine the role of culture and whether individuals still value culture as part of their identities.
Reflective Issues
Is the World today really an unhappy place to live in?
Learn how to write a reflective essay which can be philosophical and intellectual. Nurture your skills to develop scope of discussion to make essay more intellectual and create sensible phrases...